Tennessee Paddlesports Association

The Tennessee Paddlesports Association (TPA) is a coaltion of the state’s commericial paddlecraft outfitters dedicated to offering quality recreation experiences on our waterways, promoting economic growth in rural communities, and protecting our state’s natural resources. Our members provide affordable paddlecraft rental equipment, instruction, and other services so anyone can experience and appreciate Tennessee’s waterways.

You don’t have to be experienced to enjoy the beauty and fun of these rivers. We will show you how!

Outfitters Support Jobs and Tourism in Tennessee

  • TPA members employ nearly 300 Tennesseans in seasonal and part-time jobs.
  • Our members drive recreational tourism visitors to 16 rural counties in Tennessee
  • More than half of all out guests traveled to us from another county.
  • One-fifth of all our customers travel three or more hours to enjoy a day on the water.

Supporting Rural Communities

The Tennessee Department of Tourism and many county governments and business organizations promote recreational tourism to support the communities near our waterways. TPA members are deeply involved with local communities to help carry out that mission. We know that while visiting a TPA outfitter, our guests are patrons of nearby restaurants, retailers and lodges that drive economic activity in Tennessee’s rural communities.

Protecting the Environment

Our members take pride in protecting the environmental health of public waterways. Each year, TPA members organize and support local river clean-ups and work with non-profit groups and business chambers to ensure we maintain Tennessee’s natural beauty.

Giving Back to the Community

TPA members care about our waterways and want to make sure Tennesseans and tourists can continue to enjoy the natural environment for years to come. This year, our efforts totaled nearly 20 high impact river clean-up, community safety training programs and donations to emergency response agencies.